Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | document OCR: Field Description dwServiceFlags] bitmask describing the services provided by the protocol dwService Flags2 reserved. dwSeiviceFlogs3. dwServiceFlags4 reserved dwProviderFlags information regarding how this protocol should be presented in the protocol catalog Providerld unique global identifier assigned for the service provider of the protocol dw CatalogEntryid unique identifier ossigned by WinSock-2 for each PWSAPROTOCOL INFOA TO Ard iversion. protocol version identifier iAddressFamily; address family type, o.g :AFNINET jSockettype: socket type.e.g. SOCK : STREAM; iProtocol protocol.type.e.g. TCP/IP iNotworkByte Order specifies the number as " big ¡SecurityScheme indicates type of security scheme dwMessageSize maximum message size supported, by the protocol szProtocol string identifying the protocol Figure 3: This fable highlights some of the information returned by WSAEnumProtocols